626 Shug Jordan Parkway Auburn, Al 36832
84 Total Units (37 two bedrooms and 47 four bedrooms)
331 West Glenn Ave Auburn, AL 36830
22 Total Units (1 one bedroom and 21 two bedrooms)
540-546 West Magnolia Ave Auburn, AL 36832
40 Total Units (2 one bedrooms and 38 two bedrooms)
528 Genelda Ave Auburn, AL 36832
40 Total Units (20 one bedrooms and 20 two bedrooms)
141 Cox St Auburn, AL 36832
42 Total Units (All 2 bedrooms)
1037 Stonegate Dr. Auburn, AL 36832
102 Total Units (31 one bedrooms and 71 two bedrooms)
1037 Stonegate Dr. Auburn, AL 36832
(8 studios, 16 one bedrooms and 16 two bedrooms)
233 West Glenn Ave, Auburn, AL 36830
24 Total Units (23 units and 1 commercial/office space)
1825 Wire Road Auburn, AL 36832
18 Total Units (17 one bedrooms and 1 two bedroom)
144-162 E. University Dr. Auburn, AL 36830
192 Total Units ( 96 one bedrooms and 96 two bedrooms)
449 Moores Mill Rd. Auburn, Al 36830
16 Total Units (All 2 bedrooms)
217 East Thach Ave Auburn, AL 36830
7 Total Units (2 three bedrooms, 4 four bedrooms and one commercial property)
334.887.8770 (Fax)
Physical Address: 233 W Glenn Ave. Auburn, AL 36830
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3688 Auburn, AL 36831-3688
This number is to be used only for maintenance emergencies that occur outside of our normal office hours.
Please leave a message at this number and we will call you back in regards to your request.